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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Great Escape

I am trapped in a mine shaft and all I have are some a pair of extra socks, dental floss, a miniflashlight, a set of keys and a bag of pretzals. Here is how I escape...

First, I put the socks on my ears, because they started getting cold. Next, I took a ride on one of the mining carts like I was in clubpenguin. When I got out, I was on the other side of the mine. I saw loads and loads of diamonds in the wall! There were thousands! I picked as many as I could and put them in the empty bag of pretzals. (I had eaten all of the pretzals already.) I wrapped up the bag of pretzals with some dental floss. Now, I had a huge bag of diamonds!
Okay, now I need to get out of here... somehow. First, I would look for the light! That's perfect. If I found a light, it would leed me out. I got out my flashlight to look for the light, but then realized that wouldn't work, so I just started looking around. Somehow I ended up looking upward and realized that there was no roof above me. After my cart ride, I must've ended up over here. I took my dental floss and one of the socks on my ears, putting them together. I through the sock up to the top of the mine, and it got hooked on little rock. I started to pull myself up, but then the sock tore and the dental floss broke. I tried again with the other sock and some more dental floss, but they broke again! So, after a few hours of thinking, I walked up the stairs to the top, and out of the mine shaft. But then, I went back down to get my diamonds. I walked back up and I was free!
PS- I couldn't get back in my house because I had forgotten my keys.

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