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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Animal: Cofus Danbre

This animal is very small. It's about as big as my pinky finger nail. It is neon green with big yellow dots. It's antenaes are bright red and super long with a pink fluff ball at the tip. It only has one eye that is very small. They tend to run into things a lot because they can't see well. There noses are long and pointy with three, big nostrils. It doesn't have wings. It only have two stubby legs which make this animals very slow. This animal is very populated throughout the world, but they are very easy to squish. Many times they get killed by humans on accident. These animals are prey to all wild animals and sometimes humans. They are said to taste like chicken when fried. If you boil them, they taste like cheese. It usually lives close to a river or lake, but it can't swim. They frequently drown or are eaten by fish.

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