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Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's Shiny Sunlight

I am on a cleaning crew, and I want to give myself a list of ten things on what we have to do today poetically. Here is what I came up with...

1. Dry the dogs until they are as dry as a dry hog
2. Sweep the floor as fast as a proffesional sweeper until their is no pet hair
3. Clean the window until it is as shiny as sparkly teeth.
4. Play with the cats as if I was a cat.
5. Sell animals like a salesperson.
6. Feed goldfish until they are as stuffed as a person after dinner buffet.
7. Mop the office until it is clean as soap.
8. Paint walls until they are as green as a leaf.
9. Paint mural on the walls until it is as realistic as a real life dog.
10. Wipe surfaces like

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